Package Dimensions:
1 of 3 Left Chaise: W 49.60" H 43.34" D 30.31" - 83.77 lbs
2 of 3 Armless Chaise: W 51.18" H 43.30" D 30.31" - 77.16 lbs
3 of 3 Right Chaise: W 59.05" H 43.34" D 30.31" - 88.18 lbs
Package Dimensions:
1 of 3 Left Chaise: W 49.60" H 43.34" D 30.31" - 83.77 lbs
2 of 3 Armless Chaise: W 51.18" H 43.30" D 30.31" - 77.16 lbs
3 of 3 Right Chaise: W 59.05" H 43.34" D 30.31" - 88.18 lbs